The Five College Women’s Studies Research Center has received two grants through the Five College Digital Humanities Project supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The grants will enable our Research Associates participating in our 2012-2013 theme of “New Media in Feminist Scholarship, Teaching, and Activism” to work closely with Five College faculty, staff and students to develop gender studies courses incorporating digital technologies and new media. With the support of the grants, five learning communities composed of Research Associates, Five College faculty members, students, and IT technicians will draw on digital technologies to promote student learning and research in the humanities.
Laura Lovett (FCWSRC Director, 2009-2011), joined by co-editor Lori
Rotskoff, will read from their new title When We Were Free to Be:
Looking Back at a Children’s Classic and the Difference It Made at the
92Y Tribeca Mainstage in Manhattan on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 7
Former vice president and general counsel of the Feminist Majority
Foundation, and president of the National Organization for Women
(NOW), Kim Gandy, will be the Five College Social Justice
Practitioner-in-Residence from October 21 through November 3, 2012.
She will offer a series of public events within the Five College area.
An advance-registration workshop for faculty, “From the Tower to the
Trenches: Faculty Development Workshop on Strategies for Public
Engagement” will take place at the FCWSRC on October 25
Former Research Associate Sarah S. Kilbourne‘s new title American
Phoenix: The Remarkable Story of William Skinner was released by Simon
& Schuster on October 16, 2012. For more information check out a video about Kilbourne’s book here. Kilbourne was in the Five College area
for a talk and book-signing October 15 at the Wistariahurst Museum in
Holyoke and on October 17 at the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley.
A new title by former FCWSRC Ford Associate Nafisa Hoodbhoy, Aboard
the Democracy Train: A Journey Through Pakistan’s Last Decade of
Democracy was released in April 2011 by Anthem Politics and
International Relations. Currently a journalist working in the United
States, from 1984-2000 Hoodbhoy was staff reporter for the English
daily Dawn newspaper in Karachi.
Spring 2012 Highlights
On Saturday, March 31 at 7:00pm in Chapin Auditorium of Mary Woolley Hall on the Mount Holyoke College campus in South Hadley, the FCWSRC was pleased to present “An Evening with Rachel Maddow” where she read from her new book, Drift: The Unmooring of American Military Power. Co-sponsored by the Odyssey Bookshop and the Mount Holyoke College Department of Gender Studies. Click on the photo below to watch Maddow’s talk.
Featured: Project Eugénie, Spring 2012
Mount Holyoke College students perform excerpts from the Unruly Passions of Eugénie R. by Carole DeSanti on April 5, 2012 at the FCWSRC. DeSanti, a former FCWSRC Research Associate and VP and Editor at Large with the Penguin Group, read from her book that evening to a standing-room only audience at the Odyssey Bookshop in South Hadley. Her reading was followed by a celebration and performance at the FCWSRC.
Other News
09/13/2011 Karen Remmler on 9/11/11 Anniversary
Five College Women’s Studies Research Center
Mount Holyoke College
79 and 83 College St.
South Hadley, MA 01075
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