The joint UN / Government assessment has been completed in 16 districts of Sindh. According to the initial findings:
The monsoon rains have so far affected over 5.4 million people (49 percent women) or some 1 million households of which 56,000 (5%) households are headed by females.
Some 42,431 (4%) affected households are headed by disabled persons.
A total of 665,821 houses have been damaged of which 54% are fully destroyed.
The number of deaths has increased to 248 (67 women and 52 children).
72.65 % of the crops in Sindh have been damaged or destroyed while 36.2% of livestock has been lost or sold.
Out of 824,000 displaced people, 66% are currently living in temporary settlements.
20.4% affected people are living in open air, 34.1% use plastic sheets as shelter and only 0.2% are living in houses.