There have been many people throughout history who made the ultimate sacrifice to move us all along the road to enlightenment. Aboard the Democracy Train: A Journey through Pakistan’s Last Decade of Democracy is the story of Benazir Bhutto and her efforts to provide “food, shelter and clothing” for those in need. What makes her endeavor even more difficult is Pakistan’s inequality for women. The author is not just a journalist who did her homework but, as a woman herself, faced dangers her male peers could only imagine. Ms. Hoodbhoy did not pay the ultimate price like Benazir Bhutto, who lost her life in the pursuit of democracy, but she came awfully close.
If you are a student of history and or freedom and wonder how recent events will stand the test of time then your ticket is already waiting for you to climb Aboard the Democracy Train: A Journey through Pakistan’s Last Decade of Democracy by Nafisa Hoodbhoy. It is an extremely revealing look, not just inside Pakistan, but in human beings and the struggles that affects us all.
D. Lamont Smith, author of Omicron Crisis: Adventures from Alpha Centauri